Founded in 2007, Castle CCTV limited have been trading with unrivalled knowledge on security technology. With 25 years’ experience in the industry, we are experts in our field and are proud to say we deliver results.

Security is essential, for your home and business

In this modern and fast paced world, security is more important than ever. With crime on the rise and burglaries becoming a common accurance, it is important to consider the security options available to you and your business. Ensuring a safe and secure CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) system will strengthen your security measures, maximising protection and preventing against any unforeseen threats.

Reasons to consider CCTV & Security solutions?

  • Increased deterrent

  • Safer working enviorment

  • Reduced retail theft

  • Remote monitoring

  • Employee protection

  • Keep an eye on unwanted visitors

  • Eliminate fraudulent insurance claims

  • Protect confidential documents

‘The decision to have CCTV was an easy one, which company would best suit our needs was more difficult. Castle CCTV was by far the most approachable and very competitively priced.’
Kym Nettleton, Estate Manager
‘I have known Bob for many years as he maintains Exmouth Town Centre CCTV system. I have always found him ready to assist with whatever problems we have and he is always ready to attend the Control room at a minutes notice and is always at the end of the phone should we have any questions.
He is very knowledgeable with the work he undertakes therefore I have no hesitation in recommending Castle Security CCTV systems!’
Bridget Harris, Exmouth Town Council


Get in touch today for more information on how we can assist you.